holistic healing life coach for women

Where independent women come to heal, grow, and thrive.


You are


Feel like you’re always falling short?

Society says we’re not smart enough. Productive enough. Pretty enough. Paired-off enough. Over time, these impossibly high expectations can make women—especially those who are single and childfree—feel isolated, ostracized, and “othered.”

In an attempt to be truly seen, we push ourselves to the point of exhaustion—or 10 steps past it—by chasing someone else’s ridiculous standards instead of creating an intensely rewarding life of our own.

Until now.

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You want a joy-filled, rewarding life.

The problem is:

You struggle with your physical and mental health.

Whether you’re battling a chronic condition or autoimmune disease, struggling to maintain a healthy weight, or fighting overwhelming emotions, you deserve to experience how great your mind and body are meant to feel.

You aren’t sure what you want out of life.

When you feel overloaded, disorganized, unclear, and pulled in several different directions, it’s easy to assume YOU are the one who is stuck. News flash: There’s a part of you that knows exactly what it wants—you just need the tools to tune into and toward it. (More on this below!)

You feel Burnout (with a capital B).

There’s a reason burnout is a buzzword these days—it’s hard to dismiss the loss of motivation, confidence, attachment, satisfaction, and joy in our work and in our relationships. It’s time to bring them back!

You feel socially awkward.

The recent health crisis did a number on all of us—and most of us have forgotten the power of a warm, supportive, energetic community filled with people who see and accept us for who we are. (Another reason to keep scrolling! ↓)



Create the life you want.
Find the joy you deserve.

Align your mind, body, and spirit with an integrated approach to holistic health and wellbeing.


Your Mind

Discover science-backed behavioral health techniques that reset your habits and kickstart healthy thinking.


Your Body

Remove toxic energy and release stress with calming movements, holistic healing, and energizing exercises.


Your Spirit

Authenticate and celebrate your best self in our collaborative and judgment-free community of women.


Your Health

Prioritize the mental, nutritional, and physical habits that invigorate your health and your total wellbeing.

Get ready to love your life.

When we align with who we truly are—and not who we’ve been conditioned to be—we can create more of the love, health, and joy we truly deserve.
— Holly Rapport, MPH

Hi there!

I’m Holly

I’ve been right where you are. Overwhelmed by work, my circumstances, and my emotions. Stuck and burned out. “Othered” by society, my community, and even some of my friends.

Like you, I found it challenging to find the right community, resources, and tools that supported my goals and aspirations. And I learned quickly that there are a ton of health and life coaches and consultants who have great intentions—and zero real qualifications.

I took some intentional time off and realized I needed to focus internally instead of externally. I found a deeper yoga practice, energy healing, a great therapist, and simple (joyful!) walks in nature.

I am trained and certified in

  • Health Coaching
  • Behavioral Science and Health Education
  • Yoga Teacher Training (200-hour)
  • Human-Centered Design
  • Reiki and intuitive energy healing

All of which are available to you in our work together.

This holistic approach allowed me to be present in my own self-care and healing journey, one that doesn’t end where I am "healed" but rather one that appreciates the lifelong, life-giving process of being gentle with myself first—so I can share greater compassion with the world beyond.

By embracing this incredible mind, body, and spirit work, I found my authentic self and true well-being while striking a healthy balance between inner peace and bold, beautiful power.

And I’m here to help you do the same.

Holly truly offers (and is!) the complete package. She is an intuitive healer and coach, who taught me to understand how interconnectedness and community is so critical to our personal health!
More than anything, I now have an incredible sense of balance and boundaries. I don’t have to exhaust myself to give every day all I’ve got.
I couldn’t get out of my own way to make progress in my life until I had Holly’s wisdom and support. Having an accountability partner made all the difference!
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HollyWell Women are

(or are on their way to being!)

  • Powerful and courageous

  • Compassionate (towards others—and themselves)

  • Ready—and excited—to focus on themselves for a change

  • Done with beating themselves up and willing to commit to this process

  • Prepared to activate their mind, body, health, and spirit to experience balanced wellness and holistic healing

Single? Child-free?
Ready for a change?

While HollyWell’s holistic health coaching program can benefit any woman ready for better health and change, it’s especially helpful for single, child-free women who want to move beyond feeling left out and “othered” and into a place of phenomenal growth, health, and discovery.

At the end of the day (and at the end of three months), HollyWell Women are better equipped to love themselves first—so they can love and contribute to a better world beyond.

my promise to you

I bring full focus, full energy, full commitment, and full transparency into every coaching session. Together, we’ll co-create a holistic health and wellness experience tailored to your needs and growth goals.

And above all, I promise to provide a supportive, loving, and judgment-free environment you can thrive in. With your focused effort, and my commitment, together, we can transform your life and community in just three months.


Invest in a life you love

The Expand Your Life program packs years of progress into practical 90-day sprints.

Expand Your Life brings you back to yourself through coaching, community, and accountability—paired with mind, body, and energy healing practices. Each 3-month sprint starts and ends with a comprehensive assessment, for positive progress you can feel and see.

Reset your wellbeing, one step at a time.




We’ll take time to understand your current physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health—and then identify and activate three opportunities for growth.



Focusing on your three growth areas, we'll co-create an action plan for your transformation. This plan will define and align your mindset and the behaviors you desire today.



With ongoing accountability, coaching, and community, you’ll develop the behavioral changes and healthy habits you need to make this transformational shift—and make it stick.


At the end of three months

We’ll step back and review your progress.

We’ll celebrate your wins. We’ll acknowledge the opportunities that remain. And we’ll redirect our attention to your next phase of growth.

Expand your Life

Get 3 months of tailored
health CONSULTING and holistic healing

HollyWell’s integrated well-being program includes

3 months of one-on-one coaching

Bi-weekly coaching sessions (virtually or in-person!)

Detailed session summaries with recaps and next steps

Email communication

Text communication during business hours (9am-5pm EST)

Personalized mind, body, spirit, and health practices

Judgment-free accountability


Step into your full

Earning Power
Healing Energy


The best days of your life start here.

Book your discovery call

(or ask ME ANYTHING!)

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about my approach to holistic health, wellness coaching, and healing.

  • Because you can’t change the whole world in 90 days—but you can make the kind of life-shifting changes and practice habits that will pay dividends for decades.

    Working in 3-month intervals allows us to set realistic, highly-focused targets for goals that will make the biggest shifts in your health and well-being. When coupled with a time-sensitive finish line and full accountability, you’ll discover how much power you actually have to make massive shifts toward the life you want—one giant step at a time.

  • Throughout Expand Your Life, we’ll meet bi-weekly (or weekly) for coaching, accountability, energy healing, and community.

    Aside from our one-on-one sessions, you’ll want to plan on spending time throughout the week working on your mental, physical and emotional “homework,” reflecting, moving, connecting, and improving your holistic wellbeing. Growing and thriving takes commitment! And I can assure you, it’s more than worth the work and practice.

  • Yes! Whether you’re working through a challenge or just need a little extra support now and then, additional one-on-one sessions can be booked.

  • Our coaching sessions will be conducted via video chat, phone call, or in-person. I’m also available via email and text between sessions. Throughout the program, you’ll have direct access and ongoing support directly from me.

  • I’m a holistic health coach and healer for women—with a specialty in single, child-free or child-less women. Though, any woman ready to reconnect with herself can benefit from my hands-on, multiple-modality approach. And I welcome you all!

    In addition to my yoga and Reiki training, I hold a Master of Public Health degree in Behavioral Science and Health Education, and certificates in Health Coaching and Human-Centered Design.

    I believe transformational health and life coaching requires a deep understanding of the mind, body and spirit. That's why I continue to study the behavioral health and science, energy healing, and psychology behind health and wellbeing.

  • At the end of the three-month Expand Your Life program, we’ll revisit the HollyWell wheel to see how you’ve grown and transformed. You may choose to graduate from the program at that point, or add an additional 3-6 months of coaching to focus on new objectives.

    You’ll also save $200 when you sign up for six months of HollyWell coaching!

Don’t see your question here?
Reach out to holly@hollywellcommunity.com